[BSCN 1221] Sub. Code: 4718 Q.P. Code: 664718
B.Sc. (Nursing) Degree Examination Second Year Paper III
(August 2021 Session)
(New Regulations for the candidates admitted from 2006-07 onwards)
Pharmacology, Pathology And Genetics
December 2021
Time : Three Hours Maximum : 75 Marks
Answer Section A and Section B Separately
Section - A
I. Elaborate on: (1 x 15 = 15)
1. Define Diuretics, classify them. Mechanism of action of Loop Diuretics. Short
notes on Urinary Acidifiers.
II. Write notes on: (3 x 5 = 15)
1. Mechanism of anti-septic action.
2. Anti-platelets with examples.
3. Drugs used in bronchial asthma treatment.
III. Short answers on: (4 x 2 = 8)
1. Explain Broad Spectrum Antibiotics?
2. Define Acetyl Choline.
3. Write any four Opioid Analgesics.
4. Name four Calcium Channel Blockers.
Section - B
(Pathology and Genetics)
I. Elaborate on: (1 x 15 = 15)
1. Explain the method of collection of Blood, Plasma, Serum for various Clinical,
Pathological and Microbial Tests.
II. Write notes on: (2 x 5 = 10)
1. Wound healing.
2. Pathology of Peptic Ulcer
I. Write notes on: (2 x 5 = 10)
1. Dysmorphism.
2. Human genome project
II. Short answers on: (1 x 2 = 2)
1. Huntington’s disease.
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